Kurt Seligmann "Sabbath Phantoms (Mythomania)" c. 1945, Oil on Canvas. Courtesy Weinstein Gallery.

Alison Blickle "New Keys" 2015. Oil on canvas and glazed ceramics. Courtesy the artist.

Scott Treleaven "New Desirable States" 2015 Pastel, crayon, gouache, house paint on paper. Courtesy Invisible-Exports gallery.

Xul Solar "IAO" Private collection, New York. © Fundación Pan Klub, Buenos Aires

Leonora Carrington "El Nigromante (The Conjuror)" c. 1950, Oil on Canvas. Courtesy Weinstein Gallery.

Paul Laffoley "Astrological Ouroboros" 1965 Oil, acrylic, and hand applied vinyl letters on canvas and wood. Courtesy Kent Fine Art

Panos Tsagaris, Untitled, 2015. Gold leaf, acrylic and silkscreen on canvas. Courtesy the artist and Kalfayan Gallery-Athens.

Valerie Hammond "Touch" 2011. Pigment, color pencil, wax on Japanese paper. Courtesy the artist.

Nino Japaridze "Six of Winds" 2015. Courtesy Gallery of Surrealism.

Francesco Clemente "XI Force (Diane von Furstenberg)" from the Tarots series, 2011. Courtesy the artist.
![Barry William Hale "Pomba-gira Maria Mulambo - Grande Circulo de Pontos Riscado [Whirling Dove Maria Mulambo - Great Circle of Scratched Points]" 2015, Vinyl cut. Courtesy Romano Gallery.](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/560d748ae4b02ef11303ee51/1448746610499-EZ7PVYAFYLB97B2WRHTV/HALEPomba-gira.jpg)
Barry William Hale "Pomba-gira Maria Mulambo - Grande Circulo de Pontos Riscado [Whirling Dove Maria Mulambo - Great Circle of Scratched Points]" 2015, Vinyl cut. Courtesy Romano Gallery.

Delia Gonzalez "Hidden Forms" 2015, Pencil, watercolor pencil, watercolor crayon, damaar varnish on paper. Courtesy the artist.

Ira Cohen "Dr. Mabuse" 1966-70 Pigment print. Courtesy Genesis BREYER P-ORRIDGE.

Elijah Burgher Hex Centrifuge, 2015 Colored pencil on paper 24 x 19 in. Courtesy of the artist and Western Exhibitions, Chicago

John Brill "Plasma" 2013, Pigmented ink print on 100% cotton paper. Courtesy Kent Fine Art.

![Barry William Hale "Pomba-gira Maria Mulambo - Grande Circulo de Pontos Riscado [Whirling Dove Maria Mulambo - Great Circle of Scratched Points]" 2015, Vinyl cut. Courtesy Romano Gallery.](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/560d748ae4b02ef11303ee51/1448746610499-EZ7PVYAFYLB97B2WRHTV/HALEPomba-gira.jpg)